Online Learning Checklists

Flexible learning checklists that can be fully customised

Learning Checklists

Personalised learning checklists within Check Online are totally flexible and can be used for any subject and any key stage. They are not prescribed. Teachers can enter their own checklists online or upload their exisiting paper-based checklists. If you are new to learning checklists then we can help you to create them. We even have a library of ready-to-use checklists for a range of different subject areas and key stages.


With our comprehensive solution:

  • Students assess their progress in the familiar RAG (red, amber, green) format from any device at any time.
  • The platform can analyse learning checklists for a teaching group and highlight common weaknesses for targeted teaching.
  • Content management is at a Checklist level to avoid 'information overload'.
  • Teachers can verify that checklist descriptors have been met.
  • Use of checklists is date-stamped for evidence of improvement over time.
  • Checklists can be cross-curricular to meet different assessment / reporting frameworks (for example the Welsh DCF/LNF).
  • Advanced reporting allowing school leaders to analyse checklists and progress for any subject, class or year group.
  • Checklists are fully integrated with online testing to facilitate need-based adaptive testing.
  • Evidence can be recorded against learning checklists.

Aggregate Checklists

Toward the end of a course, if learning checklists have been used throughout, most descriptors should be green. So what next? Check Online can be used to aggregate checklists thereby identifying course / group wide knowledge gaps. Again this can be addressed by targeted teaching. Remember, only Check Online offers checklist functionality this advanced. If, like us, you are passionate about raising achievement then get in touch today!


Are you a trainer and not a teacher?

No problem! The Check 4 Business LMS also includes full checklist functionality including vocational skills gap analysis as part of the targeted, timely training model. Find out more.
